Today's the first day of school, so I'm afraid I was a little busy getting ready yesterday and didn't get a chance to visit everyone and reply to all of your delightful comments about my wad-o-soft-stuff. I promise... tonight all will be restored to normal. (Which means I probably won't get to it until Friday.) But for now, I must soldier on as the newly dubbed "Captain" of #TEAMLAME. (You weasel, Dufus, abandoning ship like that.)
Today's prompt in
Bob's 30 Days of Photographs IV challenge is backward. All this talk of captains and abandoning ship made me look
backward at the summer camp we ran. One week we were playing pirates and one of our favorite pirate songs was:
When I was one, I'd just begun
Going out to sea.
I jumped aboard a pirate ship
And the captain said to me,
Oh, we'll go this way, that way
Over the deep blue sea.
(Once you know the tune, it's a total earwig.)
One of the anonymous kidlets going forward/backward on the gangplank of our cardboard pirate ship. |
I know, I know, you're wondering where the bathroom photo of the day is. Okay, I'll oblige you.
Here's the forward/backward route I took to get to the toilet the past several days.
1. Step from the doorway into the bathtub.
2. Traverse the tub and stand up on the edge of the tub.
3. Turn around BACKWARD and hold on for dear life to the wall.
4. Gently ease my foot down onto the small, untiled space in front of the toilet.
5. The next part is self-explanatory.
6. Reverse the process, stopping to wash hands in bathtub.
Kinda makes you dizzy, doesn't it? |
So there you have it... my #TEAMLAME version of today's prompt. Now, go check out everybody else's
art photos for today while I go to the first day of Universal Pre-Kindergarten. (I'm much more comfortable hanging out with people my own mental age.)