Tuesday, September 10, 2013

"Bob's #TEAMLAME Day 10: Close-Up

Welcome to Day 10 of "Bob's Photo Extravaganza".  The prompt today is "Close-Up".  Which brings me back to...

Boom Boom's Bathroom Tutorial

Drywall Tip #2:  (Yes, Jackal, there IS more!)

Dimple your screws.  (As opposed to screwing your dimples.)  Here is a close-up of a perfectly dimpled screw:

Note to Self:  iPhone is not good for close-ups.
The trick is to screw it in just far enough to create a slight indentation, or dimple, in the drywall. Too little and it's going to show no matter how much mud you slap on it.  Screw it in too far and the paper covering gets torn and then you're screwed again.  That sucker's going to show.

So remember the correct order:  screw, dimple, slap mud, screw, dimple, slap mud... etcetera, etcetera.

Actual unpaid worker (in disguise) dimpling screws
This hereby qualifies as the most incredibly lame contest entry, thereby proving my worthiness to be a member of #teamlame.  Tune in tomorrow for another exciting episode of Boom Boom's Bathroom Tutorial.  In the meantime, check out who's screwing around with this prompt over at Ziva's Inferno.  
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