Saturday, September 14, 2013

"Bob's #TEAMLAME" Day 14: NSFW

When Ziva and Mike came up with the prompt NSFW as the prompt for Day 14 of this interminable 30 Days of Photographs IV blog challenge, my initial thought was... WTF?  What does NSFW stand for?  Because I'm on #teamlame, I had to look it up on the internetz.

NSFW = Not safe for work

Hallelujah!  One prompt that won't take much thought!

As most of you know, I teach preschool to four year olds. (The professional term for them is "kidlets".)  The Office of Children and Family Services offers a rather lengthy list of things that are not safe for children:  plastic bags, cleaning products, small objects, alcohol, drugs, etc., etc.  What a buzz-kill!

One of the activities that we do that might surprise you therefore, (given the above list,) is woodworking.  Yes, fellow sufferers of the "Bob" challenge, I'm also giving Boom Boom's Remodeling Tutorial to the kidlets!  One of their favorite activities is drilling holes and pounding nails into 2 x 4 pieces.  It's a great stress reliever when you're four.  Some of our most "active" children are soothed by this activity.  I kid you not!

However, there are still a few renovation tools that are deemed NSFW.

I guess they're afraid the children might get blood on the walls when they cut off their little fingers with the reciprocating saw.  As for the torch... it's all well and good until somebody sets off the fire alarm during nap time.  Then there will be hell to pay!

Geesh!  Taking all our fun away!

Now go check out who else can't go to work today because they're too busy figuring out what's NSFW!

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

And for those of you who were wondering... the clue to today's bathroom update is the rag at the top of the photo.  It's plugging the disgusting, gaping hole where the toilet used to be.  Yes, Vlad pulled out the old toilet last night!  R.I.P. ugly yellow toilet!  My weekend will be spent tiling over the last remaining floor space in preparation for the installation of the long awaited Kohler Memoirs Stately Comfort Height 2-piece 1.28 GPF Round Toilet in White.
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