Thursday, September 19, 2013

"Bob's #TEAMLAME Day 19: Never

Welcome to Bob's #TEAMLAME Day 19.  Today's prompt is "Never."  The obvious choice for this prompt would be to photograph the Ziva's Inferno blog page announcing the 30 Days of Photographs IV challenge and write NEVER! in block letters on top of it.

But, I don't want you to think that I didn't go to great lengths to address this prompt.  During the course of the Great Bathroom Remodeling Adventure of 2013, we came across two things that you should NEVER see:  


What is this, you ask?

Electrical wires.

Buried in the wall.

Just hanging there.

With no coverings.

Live electrical wires.

That can kill you.

Or burn down your house.

NEVER do this.  And hope you NEVER find them in your house.  Because if you do... it probably means there are more of them hidden somewhere else in the secret recesses of your house.  Just waiting for the right time to wreak havoc.  Be afraid.  Be very afraid!

Now go check out that live wire, Ziva, to see who else is playing around with Bob today.
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