It's Friday again! This weekend finds me out in the country, taking care of a friend's animals. It makes me happy to spend a week in seclusion. I get to go for walks in the woods & meadow, enjoy a warm fire in the wood stove, watch the birds migrate. And Wednesday was the great ladybug migration out there! One day each year, the lady bugs swarm. It's an amazing sight.

There were only a few ladybugs left when I got out to the country, but still more than usual and fun to see.
Things have been very slow in the job hunting department. But, at least today I was granted an interview. That made me so happy, I took a shower and wore girl clothes and everything! I was absolutely thrilled to be half-way through the interview without crying, laughing inappropriately or barfing. In fact, I was so comfortable with my new found friends that I relaxed a smidgen and crossed my legs. Oh, yeah... I'm cool, calm and collected.
That's when I saw the big splotch of bright white bird shit on my black shoe. Smooth!
Oh well... it was only for a part time job, anyway. *sigh* I may not have come out smelling like a rose, but at least I didn't smell like dog shit. And that makes me happy.
Have a Happy Weekend!