Saturday, October 17, 2009

Come Saturday Morning...

So here it is, another Saturday morning spent with my bloggy friends. I look forward to spending the morning in my pajamas, checking up on what's going on with everyone out there in the blogosphere.

WHASSUP, Blogger Dudes and Dudettes?

Reminds me of the Sappy Sandpiper's classic:

(Yeah, I'm that old!)

It's amazing to me how many little journeys I can take in my mind just by following along with all of you out there. One blog leads to another and before you know it, it's time for lunch and a cold one. (The rule at our house is you can't drink Dr. Pepper before noon.... yeah, I'm a good parent.)

Anyway, my round about journey led me to three people who elicited snorts of laughter from me today:

Lee, the Hot Flash Queen, who was brought to my attention once again by Maelstrom and nearly made me pee my pants, (but still can't get me to pee in a cup.)

Adnoxious with the clever caption to the Screaming Me-Me's caption contest.

Kurt... well, just because he's Kurt. Nobody leads you there... you're just drawn there mysteriously and for some crazy reason, just have to keep going back, hairy eyeball or not!

It's Saturday morning, so I'm going away with my friends...

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