How did it get to be Friday already? And what am I happy about? I may have to dig deep for this one.

Let's see:
~I was thrilled that it wasn't my naked butt being dragged alongside a train.
~I was delighted to see so many friends at the Willow Manor Ball this week.
~I was encouraged to see so many people embrace the Climate Change theme for Blog Action Day.
~I was pleased to see the return of Nanodance, (who had gone missing for a while,) even if she did go all topical on my ass.
~I was intrigued by the whole TweetDeck concept, which I'm still trying to figure out.
~I was (and still am) happy to have made the acquaintance of some interesting new bloggy folks. Go check them out and have a great weekend!

The Thought Bubbles of Robbie Munn

Another 50-something adventurer.
Where nothing is sacred!