There have already been a couple of things this week that have caused me to say WTF!
Ever had that urge to show somebody your backside when they're just not giving you the proper respect? Maybe you might want to rethink that...

WTF! Reuters reported on Monday about a young German lad who mooned his way into history. Seems that after mooning the train from which he had just been ejected (for not having a ticket) he got a bit too close as it rolled down the track, trapping his pants and dragging him along for the ride. For real? Oh, yeah! Great way to get your 15 minutes of fame. I wonder if he'll be able to sue for his bad behavior?

WTF! And how about that belligerent little old lady who ended up getting herself tased earlier this year for resisting arrest? Guess she thought she was immune because of her age and diminutive size. Did she deserve what she got? Well, it turns out what she got was $40,000 from the police department for her pains. Now the question has become, "Was she rewarded for bad behavior?" You'll have to make up your own mind on this one, but the entire situation still leaves me thinking WTF!
Can't we all just get along?