Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Name that Works... Sort Of

Somebody out there should really compose a theme song for WTF Wednesday. There's Hit 40's banner, there's Otin's vlog... the song can't be far behind.

But today for WTF Wednesday I'd like to address.....

A Name that Works... Sort of

Today's WTF Wednesday winner is....

The Amigone Funeral Home in Buffalo, New York

I performed the perfect WTF double take when I was in Buffalo, taking Vlad out for lunch one day. Amigone? Are you freakin' kidding me? I sure as hell hope you're gone before they embalm you.

If that's not a reason to say WTF, I don't know what is. Just sayin'...

P.S. And, yes, this is a real place... click on the Amigone link above to begin pre-planning for your demise.
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