Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Look Out! It's Margo! And She Looks MAD I tell you! MAD!

Well, I've really done it this time. Mad Mad Margo says my blog has been a little over the top recently. I'm so sorry, Me-Me! I think if I don't apologize publicly, she's going to come over here and Scream at Me. That's right, ME! That's cause she's The Screaming Me Me!

Now, Me-Me has one of the coolest looking blogs I've ever seen. There's just something about that blue header with the yellow and orange letters on the black polka dot background that really WOWs me!


Way cool, Margo! Mad skills there with the blog skins! Wish I was smart enough to do that. Mad Mad Margo's also got a wicked badge:

Anyway, getting down to brass tacks...

Margo actually gave me a little warning label for my blog... seems she wants to use my life as a cautionary tale for others. Here it is...

Not only that, she wants me to do some free association to help you determine just how over the top I actually am. (I'll take my answers to the shrink with me the next time so he can decide whether or not to adjust my meds.)

On with the show...

Official conditions for receiving this award/warning:

1. Answer the questions below using only one word. (I'm sorry.. it's impossible for me to use just one in some instances. so I'm going to cheat by hyphenating a few. Hope Mad Mad Margo doesn't scream at me.)
2. Thank the blogger who gave it to you.
3. Pass it on to 6 of your favorite bloggers.

So, now the questions:
1. Where is your cell phone? pocket
2. Your hair? combed (Hey, for me that's pretty impressive!)
3. Your mother? hard-of-hearing
4. Your father? jolly
5. Your favorite food? pasta
6. Your dream last night? forgettable
7. Your favorite drink? Dr. Pepper (Duh!)
8. Your dream/goal? retirement
9. What room are you in? sun-room
10. Your hobby? blogging
11. Your fear? homelessness
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? vacationing
13. Where were you last night? home
14. Something you aren't? Mensa-material
15. Muffins? carrot
16. Wish list items? gainful-employment
17. Where did you grow up? Iowa
18. Last thing you did? dog-sitting
19. What are you wearing? rags
20. Your TV? won-in-a-raffle!
21. Your pets? Hickory-the-Wonder-Dog
22. Your friends? forgiving
23. Your life? simple
24. Your mood? hopeful
25. Missing someone? Vlad
26. Vehicle? Toyota (old)
27. Something you're not wearing? socks
28. Your favorite store? Target
29. Your favorite color? green (but I wear mostly black & I also like blues with my greens.)
30. When was the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? September
32. Your best friend? several
33. One place I go over and over? Ann's (see #35)
34. One person who emails me regularly? Engrish (yeah, that's her real name)
35. Favorite place to eat? Ann's (Silly Ann... she still hasn't made the connection that it's always dinner time when I "stop by"... free food!)

Now, because Mad Mad Margo thinks we have to warn others, I get to out 6 of you who are also a little Over the Top. At least we'll have fun together when they send us to "the home." (Do you suppose they have internet access there?)

Indigo Roth, Man of Mystery and Jail Bird!
Bird Shit and Baby Caca, Little Pieces of Crap
K a b l o o e y, Fellow Mad Scientist
Subtorp, Bass or Tuna... Who Knows?
Summer, The Circus Ringmistress
Maelstrom, My 100th Follower

If you don't know these people, go check them out... so you'll know how to escape incarceration in the future.

Thank You, Mad Mad Margo!

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