Wednesday, October 7, 2009

So Many Blogs, So Little Time: WTF Wednesday

Okay, I've been trying to get to my WTF Wednesday post for about two hours now, but I keep getting distracted by other people's blogs. WTF is up with that? There are just too many good bloggers out there who deserve my time and attention! Damn you all! I should be out looking for work and instead I find myself glued to the computer screen... it's like a Zombie's need for brainz (you hear that, Quirky?) Luckily there's hope for me since MikeWJ over at Too Many Mornings just posted a new 12-Step program for Blogaholics today.

And WTF is up with the dog crap in my house? I feel like I've won Ettarose's Craption Contest 10 times over, when in reality I haven't won it even once!
I'm taking care of a dear friend's dog for a few days and he's been crapping all over the house at night. (The dog, not the friend.) Shit! I mean that literally! WTF! And I keep finding it by stepping on it... damn the dark red oriental rugs and dim lighting.  (Hey, Pearl... is it still called "urban mousse" if it's INside your house?)  Guess Jasper's sleeping in the kitchen for the rest of his stay. But I still love you anyway, Ann!  After all, you feed me on a regular basis... and except for the crapping all over the rugs thing, Jasper's awfully sweet.  

Guess that's enough bitching for this morning... I think I'd better go take a shower now, since my feet aren't smelling too great. Later...
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