Okay, I've been trying to get to my WTF Wednesday post for about two hours now, but I keep getting distracted by other people's blogs. WTF is up with that? There are just too many good bloggers out there who deserve my time and attention! Damn you all! I should be out looking for work and instead I find myself glued to the computer screen... it's like a Zombie's need for brainz (you hear that, Quirky?) Luckily there's hope for me since MikeWJ over at Too Many Mornings just posted a new 12-Step program for Blogaholics today.
And WTF is up with the dog crap in my house? I feel like I've won Ettarose's Craption Contest 10 times over, when in reality I haven't won it even once!

Guess that's enough bitching for this morning... I think I'd better go take a shower now, since my feet aren't smelling too great. Later...