Monday, October 5, 2009

And The 100th Stalker Award Goes To....

So, it's finally happened.  This past weekend, Maelstrom logged in as my 100th Follower!  I love followers... especially those who talk back!  Apparently, while he claims there's Nothing to See over at his blog, Maelstrom thought there was something to see over here.  What an honor to be stalked in that way.  

Anyway, this definitely calls for a celebration.  Perhaps I'll make an exploding gingerbread house in Maelstrom's honor.  (Although the post office frowns on sending such gifts through the mail.) Or I could send him a bottle of champagne.  (No, the post office frowns on that, too... as I found out when I tried to send NGIP a bottle of Bully Hill's finest.) Or maybe I could make him a tacky (oops, I meant to say tasteful) award that he can post on his sidebar. (See above.)   Or maybe just send him a bowl of warm milk?  (Yeah, suck that up, buddy!) What to do, what to do? And then it came to me...

I'll Pimp Maelstrom's Blog!

So, in order to pimp his blog, I first have to expose him... here he is:

I know, he looks a little bit like a badass blogger.  Which is okay by me because some of my best friends are badass bloggers.  He regularly kicks up a lot of dust over at Nothing to See Here, Move Along...   

Besides blogging, Maelstrom's also an ace reporter for the WTF News Network.  I actually gave him an award last month and he wrote an article about it...

Guess he was a little suspicious of me and my intentions... but they were really honorable... honest!  And I felt pretty bad (after all the trouble I went to) that he didn't even become a follower right away after my wasting a perfectly good award on him.  But then I found out he'd actually just been waiting around, checking in on my follower list daily so he could jump at the chance to be my 100th stalker.  All is forgiven, Maelstrom!

Maelstrom's also a mentor for geniuses.  Yes, he carefully guides prodigies to develop their inner genius with his Genius of the Week series of posts.  He's even started posting audio clues. Jeff over at Histories, Mysteries and Strangeness is his latest discovery.   These have gotten progressively more difficult as the weeks have gone on.  (Either that, or I've become progressively more stupid.)

Maelstrom is also a gourmand... eating cookies from the world's classiest market, Wegman's.  Wegman's is a Rochester institution, visited by dignitaries from around the world. (Seriously... you often see foreign suits touring Wegman's when they're here on business trips.)

So, those are the basic facts about Maelstrom.  Now go check him out and become a follower of his blog!   He's truly an awesome, badass blogger.  But while you're there, just remember...  the intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating or inhaling contents may be harmful or fatal. Do it anyway... it's definitely worth it!

Thanks, Maelstrom!
And thanks to the rest of you who took the time to click on the "Follow" button!
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