It's time once again for....

This week I'm taking you on a tour of another Rochester landmark, this one made famous by my "Collections" post earlier this week. Many of you gasped in amazement at the mention of this local institution. Unfortunately, it's not actually open on Sundays, but I'm using it for Sundays in My City anyway... deal with it!
Anyway, here it is.... The photo tour of...
Beers of the World!
Not much to look at on the outside, I know, but once you step inside there's a beautiful, welcoming sight that awaits.
Beer, Beer Everywhere and Every Drop to Drink!
Imagine beers from every corner of the earth:
Every continent, excepting Antarctica, is represented here.
Offering many fine labels from which to choose....
The Genny Cream Ale is from our local brewery, while the others are from a little farther afield.
The Paulaner actually has my name in it... how cool is that?
And how could one possibly by-pass something called the Old Leghumper... I mean, really?
Every princess with Huge Tracts of Land needs Monty Python's Holy (Gr)ail Ale. (Tempered over burning witches.)
There's the Mojo in case yours goes missing, the 8 Ball Stout if you're looking for a better future and the Lake Placid Ubu Ale, complete with Adirnondack chair for relaxing.
St. Peter's Organic English Ale comes in a bottle shaped like Snake Oil Elixir.
From the Ukraine, there's Obolon "Svitle", which I chose over the Obolon "Bile"... because the name "Bile" made me throw up in my mouth a little bit.
There's the Celebrator, which even comes with a commemorative plastic goat figurine. (Perfect for Nanny Goats in Panties... if I can ever wrestle the little goat away from Vlad it's yours, Margaret!)
It was a tough decision on what to get Vlad for his birthday, but I finally settled on this collection for around $20:
I'm not sure how many beers they have from how many countries, but I do know this.... They have more beer in one place than this CatLady has ever seen before. And they're always happy to see you!
(Although I'm still wondering a little bit about the whole "the world's treasure to pleasure" bit... somehow is sounds just slightly naughty. Maybe it will make more sense after a few more beers.)
Hope you've enjoyed today's tour... Cheers! Iechyd Da! Skol! Salud!