Friday, October 9, 2009

It's Been a Grand and Glorious Week!

Welcome to another Happy Hour Friday!  It's been a grand and glorious week here in Upstate New York!  
~I stepping in dog shit... twice... barefoot... in my house....
~I re-injured my ripped out knee...  the mcl & acl have been gone for about 5 years.
~I missed my chiropractor appointment... oh, my aching back!

Wait... It's supposed to be HAPPY Hour Friday.  Oh, yeah.  Oops...   Sorry!  Let me start over again...

Welcome to Happy Hour Friday!  It's been a grand and glorious week here in Upstate New York!  To recap:

~I'm helping Vlad celebrate his 22nd birthday!  (At our house you get a birthWEEK instead of just a birthDAY.)  Vlad sez "Thanks!" to all the well-wishers!
~The Li'l People arrived from Jules over at Mean Girl Garage!  (stay tuned for tales of their adventures!)
~I got an award from Mad Margo!
~I got an award from Pearl! (detailed "Thank You!" to follow)
~I got my 100th Follower!  Thanks, Maelstrom!  And Thanks to the other 108 of you who have joined the party!
It's definitely been a grand and glorious week here in Upstate New York!    Thank you, Blogosphere!

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