Wednesday, September 23, 2009

WTF Wednesday #3: More on Home Security Measures

So, Moooooog over at Mental Poo just celebrated his two year blogoversary a few days ago. Congrats on that accomplishment! (Makes me wonder how big his FBI file is by now.)

There are many bloggers out there who inspire me, but the Midget Man of Steel was the one who introduced me to the Motivator. Talk about an inspirational moment. When I'm feeling fairly unmotivated (which is most of the time) I turn to the Motivator to entertain and amuse myself.

And WTF... while I'll never be as clever as Moooooog, I'm still enjoying destroying everything in my photo file by turning it into a motivational photo. Sure hope my mom likes the one I sent her for her 84th birthday on Monday:

(WTF! I'm not positive, but I think the Chip-n-Dale on the left has his ass on backwards.)

But, getting to the subject at hand... in scouring upstate New York the past several days, I just haven't been able to find that perfect samurai sword for my very own
Home Security for BadAss Bloggers arsenal. WTF is up with that?

Then Jules over at Mean Girl Garage says that if you're a convicted felon they won't sell you a samurai sword. WTF? How do you suppose Jules knows that? Hmm.... Is there something she isn't telling us? WTF...Jules must be a bigger BadAss Blogger than I thought. It's her birthday on Friday, so I hope they let her out by then so she can go celebrate. However, I digress... this shouldn't be an issue for me since
my record was expunged after successfully completing court class. But then again, you can never be too sure.

So, in the unlikely event that I am unable to procure said samurai sword, I have taken alternative measures. My vicious canine, Hickory the Wonder Dog, is ready for action, thanks to my son Vlad who has outfitted him with the finest in WWII Soviet weaponry. When I first saw Hickory all decked out with his new rifle, I thought to myself, WTF? What was Vlad thinking? But then as I considered it a bit more carefully, it all made sense. Undoubtedly, at 130 pounds and armed to the teeth, Hickory will strike fear into the hearts of burglars everywhere:

You certainly wouldn't want to mess with that!

Now, if I could only teach him how to use the samurai sword when it arrives...

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