Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Friggin Loon Defines... WTF Wednesday

I'm sorry... I couldn't help myself... I just had to invite a guest writer (resort to plagiarism) for WTF Wednesday this week. When I opened up Friggin Loon's post on Tuesday, it just called out to be featured on WTF Wednesday. Here it is in Friggin Loon's original words. He gets all the credit for this... go visit him NOW!

WTF Wisconsin Tourism

OMG, the Wisconsin Tourist Federation now know why people have been snickering behind their backs for years. Hmm, seems the penny finally dropped for them after they featured on a blog highlighting unfortunate logos. Evidently no one told them WTF stands for WTF, which would explain the smirks and giggles. The non computer savvy federation were oblivious to the popular acronym and it’s meaning but now have changed their name to a less controversial Tourism Federation of Wisconsin.

Rather unfortunate

Yep, rather unfortunate...

Thanks, Friggin Loon! I couldn't have said it better myself!

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