Saturday, September 26, 2009

Quirky's Head is Full of Brainz!

Quirky over at Musings of a Quirkyloon challenged us to spend the weekend thinking up zombie poems in her honor. After intense thought and concentration, I came up with my contribution to the cause...

Quirky's head is full of brainz,
Full of brainz,
Full of brainz.
Quirky's head is full of brainz,
Quirkster Zombie.

Now the
really cool thing about this poem is that it's not just a poem, it's a song!
(You may have noticed it can be sung to the tune of London Bridge.)

But wait... there's more!

It's also a

Here's how it goes...

Quirky gets all of her bestest bloggy friends together to drink mass quantities of alcohol and/or Dr. Pepper.

Then everyone proceeds to stagger around in a circle while the Quirkster and I hold our arms up to make a bridge for all the bloggy friends to walk under.
(I volunteered because I'm always looking for ways to pay it forward) Are you following me so far?

While everyone's stumbling about, we sing the Quirky Zombie song together in one part harmony. When we get to the end of the song Quirky and I throw our arms around whoever is currently under the bridge and...

Quirky eatz their brainz!

Sound like fun? I thought you'd like it.

Of course, if you don't like that game, you can always go play Quirky's favorite...

So anyway, that's what I came up with for Quirky's Zombie Poem Contest. Yeah, it kinda sucks, but what do you expect? It's not like she gave us a whole week or anything to come up with an idea! Geesh!

P.S. I also made up a separate poem to include Quirky's Zomblets (Quirky Sons #1 & #2) so they won't feel left out and neglected:

There once was a Zombie named Quirky
Who subsisted on strips of loon jerky
She ate bloggers' brainz
Diet Pepper and cranes
So her Zomblets turned out awfully perky.

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