Friday, September 11, 2009

Fortune Cookie Friday #2

Funny that Otin should start Happy Hour Friday just when I get the idea to do Fortune Cookie Friday.  I guess great minds think alike.  So, what I might do is alternate between the two... or if I feel particularly inspired... and bored... I'll do both.  I make no promises to anyone!  Ever!  In fact, maybe I won't do either one some Fridays.  (Like if I ever get a real, paying job and don't have as much time to blog anymore.)  You'll just have to wait and see!

But this week I'm still unemployed and bored, so you get both.

My favorite fortune this week is...

A good rest is half the work.

I like that one so much, it's become my job hunting mantra.  Must rest and contemplate the nature of the universe so that I will instinctively know when the right time is to venture out into the working world.  Of course, with all the time I'm spending resting it leaves little time for job hunting.  

But that's my fortune... my karma... my path toward cosmic consciousness.  I must follow what the fortune cookie says!

Must be time for another nap.

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