Friday, September 25, 2009

To Spank or Not to Spank...

Now I know why I'm not the brightest crayon in the box...  why I'm a few fries short of a Happy Meal...  why the lights are on, but nobody's home. 

Yes, it's true... my parents spanked me!  I knew there was a reason!

In the news today was a report that kids who are spanked typically have IQ's that are 5 points lower than kids who weren't spanked.  

So that's what happened!

I think I also heard somewhere that spanking to0 often can make you go blind.  Or wait, maybe that was the other kind of spanking.*

Back in the 50's when I was a youngster, spanking was the norm... or at least my parents claimed it was.  It was the whole "spare the rod and spoil the child" idea, I guess.

As we got older, there was less spanking going on. (Perhaps they were worried we'd gotten big enough and brazen enough to strike back... fat chance.  Not this "nice" girl!)  However, that's when the dreaded "lectures" began. I'm not sure what's worse. I remember at times actually asking if I could just get hit and get it over with.

I found a guy over at Silver Age Comics who wrote about the Peter Panda cartoons a few years back....

"Shame on you!"  Yeah, that's tellin' 'em, Peter Panda!  They're sure to behave, now!  (Hmmm... I wonder why parents liked these Peter Panda comics more than kids did?)

I could have learned a lot from Peter Panda!  Sadly, my parents wouldn't let us have comic books. My mom thought that comics would rot our brains. My cousins, on the other hand, had a whole room full of comics! We loved going to their house so we could turn our brains to mush with them.  My mom's glorious plan for developing intellectually superior children backfired, though... we all turned out pretty "normal", while my cousins became the brilliant ones... full scholarships at various small colleges such as Yale.  (One cousin even learned French from reading French comics.)

So, add this to a list of things I can whine about and blame my parents for...  too much spanking and too few comic books.**  A recipe for intellectual disaster!

*And if you were hoping for a post about the other kind of spanking, you're SOL.

**I never spanked Vlad and he read lots of comics... that's why he's so much smarter than I am.  (And he doesn't go to the therapist nearly as often as I do... I'm so proud!)
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