What's this? Why it's a pretty from
KaLynn... that mistress of Kackles!
Seems KaLynn thought I'd appreciate this and she was right! Miracles to happen every day when you have friends like KaLynn. And to whom would I like to pass it? Why to
Ms. Eolist Petite, that's who! Because she deserves miracles too!
Speaking of KaLynn... she's also the one who pointed me in the direction of
Diamonds and Toads, who in turn led me to the Fairy Name Generator. Just for fun I plugged in my name and here's what it gave me:
Your fairy is called Fidget Goblinshimmer
She is a bringer of riches and wealth.
She lives in rotting woodlands near poisonous toadstools.
She is only seen when the first flowers begin to blossom.
She wears red with white spots, like the toadstools. She has gentle green wings like a butterfly.
(Get your free fairy name here!)
Fidget, eh? Sounds about right. I like to fidget... a lot! Shimmering I don't know about, but Goblins seem to follow me around. I think they're the ones who pushed me down the stairs a while back.
Anyway, go visit KaLynn. She's feeling a little down at the moment because she just lost her beloved Lady Bug. But trust me, she'll soon be up and Kacklin' with the best of them. Go give her some love!