Nanodance chose her own cat picture to distinguish hers from mine. Neither of us got around to actually awarding any, though.
Now that Net Nanny has labeled me as a BadAss, it seemed like a perfect time to finally bestow the award on a deserving blogger or two. But, my dilemma was, which ones? There are just so many BadAss bloggers out there who merit a CatLady award.
But, you've gotta start somewhere.... I started looking through my blog roll, thinking I'd have to write all the names on a piece of paper and draw one or two out of a hat.
Then I noticed this on my sidebar:
I love people who talk back! Top badass sassers in the last 100 comments:
The top four people listed were some of the most BadAss bloggers I know. And people who make me laugh every time I log onto their sites.So to you, my four bloggy friends, I bestow the inaugural CatLady's BadAss Blogger Award. No strings attached. Take it, post it, ignore it, or whatever. Just know that I think you rock!
You're such BadAsses!