Monday, January 4, 2010

The Envelope, Please...

Last summer, Nanodance over at Callithump Thunderblog and I got together and came up with a couple of blog awards.  We had a whole cat theme going after Nanodance started writing about her son Elwood rubbing cats the wrong way.  The result... The BadAss Blogger Award. 

Nanodance chose her own cat picture to distinguish hers from mine.  Neither of us got around to actually awarding any, though.

Now that Net Nanny has labeled me as a BadAss, it seemed like a perfect time to finally bestow the award on a deserving blogger or two.  But, my dilemma was, which ones?  There are just so many BadAss bloggers out there who merit a CatLady award.  

But, you've gotta start somewhere....  I started looking through my blog roll, thinking I'd have to write all the names on a piece of paper and draw one or two out of a hat.

Then I noticed this on my sidebar: 

I love people who talk back! Top badass sassers in the last 100 comments:

  1. ReformingGeek (4)
  2. otin (4)
  3. Jayne Martin (4)
  4. Quirkyloon (4)
The top four people listed were some of the most BadAss bloggers I know. And people who make me laugh every time I log onto their sites.  

So to you, my four bloggy friends, I bestow the inaugural CatLady's BadAss Blogger Award.  No strings attached.  Take it, post it, ignore it, or whatever.  Just know that I think you rock! 

You're such BadAsses!

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