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And just to make Jayne over at InJaynesWorld happy, I disabled the word verification feature while I was at it. Jayne really hates those... she thinks they suck! So, see there, Net Nanny... I really am a nice person because I like to make my friends happy. So why are you hatin' on me?
Actually, it is an honor to have Net Nanny be hatin' on me. That means I'm not quite the wuss I used to be. In fact it makes me so proud, I've even developed a blog award* for other BadAss Bloggers who act in an unseemly manner:
Now... to whom shall I give the award? Tune in tomorrow to find out.
Hint: It won't be going to Net Nanny.
*Thanks to Nanodance, (who came up with the idea for the award,) and to Moooooog for introducing me to motivational posters. Watch for Nanodance's companion BadAss Blogger award.