Saturday, January 1, 2011

That Was the Year that Sucked

That was the year that sucked,
It's over, let it go!
We're pleased to write it off,
But not as pleased as a CatLady we know!

And what a year it was....

January:  Otin outs CatLadyLarew and I am banned by NetNanny, which is actually a good thing in my opinion.
February:  My dog gets a valentine and I don't.
March:  I'm attacked by a one-eyed cat.
April: The month in which I'm abducted by aliens.
May:  Good month... nothing bad happens.
July:  We bid adieu to Hickory the Wonder Dog.
August:  Another good month... although Magpie Tales leave us Dazed and Confused
September:  I lose my blogging mojo.
October:  I discover it's not safe to go out when I break my leg.
November: I get grossed out by a delightful x-ray view of my mangled leg and a favorite aunt dies.
December: Squirrels invade my attic and Vlad's grandfather (of the eyeball in the refrigerator) dies on New Years Eve.

And so, as the sun sets slowly in the west, we say goodbye to 2010 and send out best wishes to all for a happier and healthier New Year in 2011.

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