Friday, January 28, 2011

Step Right Up, Chelle!

We have a winner!  

There were so many great names suggested for my new "White Elephant Kitty" from Melody that I had to take a week off and go to Florida to get Meowyn's input on the "name the kitty" entries and complete my deliberations.  In the end, the one that made us both guffaw was Mrs. Finkle-Bosom, submitted by Chelle from Coffee and Zombie Movies.

Mrs. Finkle-Bosom enjoys her new digs.

So, Chelle, step right up and collect your prize!  You're the winner of the my official BadAss Blogger award (brought out of retirement just for you) and a White Elephant gift of your very own (provided you trust me enough to send me your contact info.) 

Stay tuned for our new feature, "Mrs. Finkle-Bosom Says...", coming soon to How To Become A Cat Lady Without The Cats.
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