Oh, yeah! That's attractive!
I wonder what it will look like by tomorrow?
I wonder what it will look like by tomorrow?
The knee's feeling much better, but I still hate wearing the immobilizer and my right knee is starting to feel pretty sore from doing all the work for the left knee. I finally heard back from the orthopedist's office... they can see me next Thursday at 2:30. WTF am I supposed to do until then? Now I have a call in to the secretary to try and get some info on how soon I can go back to work. I don't want to risk losing the job I just got because of a stupid fall.
Turns out the Wonder Dog is freaked out by the crutches... he shakes nervously as he looks past me toward the open door that is the magical entrance to his personal backyard commode. I'm getting pretty tired of crutching my way to the door just to have him look at me for 5 minutes and then turn around and go back to fer-flump on the living room floor. Not to mention the fact that his rather large body always seems to be right where I'm trying to navigate. Thank god I don't have any cats to get underfoot as well!
The good news is that I managed to get myself up and out to the chiropractor yesterday. Nothing like slamming your head into a wall to throw your back out of whack! But she did many wondrous things for my back. I love that woman!
And the outpouring of concern from friends has been lovely. Thank you all! It makes me feel so cared for. My friend Suedojane even brought me my fix of Dr Pepper last night. Ahhhhh! Suedojane makes some awesome videos about artists... here's one for you to check out:
And tonight Nanodance is bringing my my evening repast. The excitement of wondering what it will be leaves me all tingly inside! I wonder if she'll bring me some of those weird ass Buddha's hands? All I know is that food that you don't have to cook yourself always tastes so much better!
Time for my afternoon nap! I'll wake myself up in four hours to make sure I'm not dead. Later!