Her fudge is out of this world! (Hence the heavenly reference.) Rich and creamy and full of walnuts. Yum! The cookies are delicious as well... I ate every last crumb.
However, those Bourbon Balls... they are to die for! (Again, heavenly reference is appropriate.) I confess, I've never had bourbon balls before, so I don't have anything to compare them to, but I do know this... they really hit the spot! Although, admittedly, it's probably best not to enjoy them with a glass of wine. They'd go best with a delicious cup of tea or coffee.
But don't take my word for it... you can get your own by going to Jen's blog and ordering a box of these goodies. Perfect for taking to that office party or to your mother-in-law's house. Beware, though: Jen will hunt you down and do bad things to you if you claim you made them yourself... she knows where you live because she has magical powers!
Order yours today!
(Please note: The author was paid in fudge, cookies and bourbon balls for this blatant pimping of Jen's goodies... and it was well worth it!)