Thank You!
Thank you, and you, and you for making the CatLady what she is today. You might be thinking... "WTF? How did I, personally, help her get to where she is today?" There are far too many of you to thank specifically, but know that I keep you all in my heart and mind, (mostly wondering how the hell I met up with so many people who are as strange as I am.)
But in the meantime, here are a few of my
Great Moments in Stalker History...
Nanodance at Callithump Thunderblog was the one who convinced me that blogging would be a good idea.
Sister Phillipia was the first stalker who I didn't actually know to sign on as a follower... silly nun!
Quirkyloon gave me my first blog award. Hooray for my Zombie Quombie Queen!
Mr. Roth, the master spy and surrealist also known as IndigoWrath, was my first Foreign Correspondent.
Moooooog over at Mental Poo taught me how to do motivational posters, as well as a whole bunch of new terms for naughty bits.
I got my first captioning award from nonamedufus, that Canadian master of humor.
Ettarose at Sanity on Edge was kind enough to tell me she likes my bloggy hugs and that she thinks my blog is awesome.
Otin taught me about the joys of theme days, beginning with WTF Wednesday. (He also scares the crap out of me with his spooky stories!)
Jules at MeanGirlGarage sent me my first blog contest prize in the mail... the Li'l People!
Margaret at Nanny Goats In Panties sent me my NGIP pens... even though I wasn't one of the first ten commenters to request them.
Subby at basstuna taught me how to swear like a sailor... without actually using any swear words.
Nancy at f8hasit named me as a Follower of Note.
Maelstrom at Nothing to See Here, Move Along! was my 100th Stalker!
Pearl told me I was full of Honest Scrap over at Pearl, Why You Little...
Julochka at Moments of Perfect Clarity is the first blogger I actually sent money to... buying a couple of her amazing photos via Etsy. (NO! I'm not sending money to all of you!)
Comedy Goddess gave me a ray of sunshine with her Posts of the Week award.
Kirsten at The Soccer Mom Files confirmed my suspicions that Mom Likes Me Best when I won her caption award.
MadMadMargo at The Screaming Me-Me turned me into a Cat Woman and made me actually look HOT for the HBDC Anti-Injustice Campaign video.
JennyMac over at Let's Have a Cocktail told me she thinks I give good blog.
Jayne, who is lost in her thoughts injaynesworld, called me a "real" writer.
Kacklin' KaLynn gave me a Best Blog award.
Jen over at RedheadRanting sent me cookies, fudge and bourbon balls in the mail!
The rest of you have given me endless cyber hugs and moral support over the past year and I treasure each and every one of you!