But, all kidding and humor aside... I really did get that pesky tree decorated and some presents wrapped to go underneath it. And I even baked some Christmas cookies... although Vlad finished them off a couple of days ago.
Here's how the tree turned out....
Let me point out that there are no cats on the tree. (Remember, I'm a CatLady Without the Cats.) And zombie decorations were mighty hard to come by this year... I think Quirky bought them all long ago. But here are a few of my favorites...
Our friend, Bill, painted this bird...
This one is my absolute favorite... my grandma made it for me...
it's a teeny-tiny baby bunny inside of a walnut shell.
it's a teeny-tiny baby bunny inside of a walnut shell.
I bought this fish ornament for myself just because it's silly looking...
it would be perfect for Otin's tree since he likes fishing so much!
it would be perfect for Otin's tree since he likes fishing so much!
Another friend gave me this heart, which is perfect for the
tree and reminds me of the many friends I love...
The monkey sock ornament reminds me of my grandma, too, because she used to made us monkey sock dolls for Christmas when we were kids.
This little bear was a gift for Vlad from his
Grandma Luci when he was a baby.
Grandma Luci when he was a baby.
So what's under the tree this year? I still don't know because Vlad is working until 3:00 and I promised not to open anything until he gets home. I'm such a good mother!
The most important thing of all is that this day represents the love I have for my child, my family and my friends. And that's why I love my eclectic assortment of ornaments... they represent all of those I hold dear.
So, my holiday wish for you is that your life be filled with friendship and love! Thank you for bringing such joy into my heart each and every day!
The most important thing of all is that this day represents the love I have for my child, my family and my friends. And that's why I love my eclectic assortment of ornaments... they represent all of those I hold dear.
So, my holiday wish for you is that your life be filled with friendship and love! Thank you for bringing such joy into my heart each and every day!