But what's this? Policemen at my door, making inquiries about a missing persons report? It appears several people became alarmed when they hadn't seen the CatLady for a few days.

Had she been away fighting Soft Drink Injustice? Was she buried under a pile of miscellaneous crap that finally became unbalanced? (We already knew for some time that she herself was unbalanced.) Did the Wonder Dog eat her out of boredom? Had she finally been hauled off to Mommy Jail? Was she engulfed in flames by fireworks mistakenly ignited inside the home? Had she been kidnapped and ransomed for her substantial weight in gold? Was she laying motionless at the bottom of the stairs after tripping over all the Dr Pepper empties? Did she finally just forget to get out of bed for five days straight?
The answer was "none of the above."
As the kind officers looked over my shoulder in disgust at the chaos within my home, I tried to explain that I just got busy trying to get settled into the new job. There hadn't been an awful lot of time for personal communications. That comes with the territory, I'm afraid, when you have an obsessive compulsive personality. You get kinda focused on one thing and soon the rest of the world has been blocked out momentarily.
Poor officers. They didn't understand how that could keep me out of communication with the world for so long. So, I carefully explained further how I had to venture into the scary attic to look for teaching materials long buried. I had to plumb the depths of the basement for games and toys and my collection of rubber sea creatures for our first theme. This takes time. It's not easy finding your way through those dark and dingy caverns.
I explained to the officers that I hadn't meant to alarm people. I simply made a basic tactical error. I neglected to notify my friends that I would be gone for a few days.
So, I apologize for upsetting all of you with my unannounced absence from the blogging world.
But, I also have to say... it heartens me to know that there are a few people who actually notice when I'm gone.