But they still didn't come when called.
Enjoying the glorious colors of fall in
Upstate New York!

That's not a chicken coop you see in the distance...

Inhabited by none other than Mr. Good Strut
and his harem of beauties,
his bevy of bantams.
(Vlad & I helped Shamra build the Chicken Chalet along with another friend, Tom, who designed it. It's a straw bale construction... for those of you who find that kind of thing interesting.)
Here's Strut at his finest:
Upstate New York!
That's not a chicken coop you see in the distance...
It's a Chicken Chalet!
Inhabited by none other than Mr. Good Strut
and his harem of beauties,
his bevy of bantams.
(Vlad & I helped Shamra build the Chicken Chalet along with another friend, Tom, who designed it. It's a straw bale construction... for those of you who find that kind of thing interesting.)
Here's Strut at his finest:
Okay, so I don't know how to hold the camera upright, but you get the idea... Strut is very convincing as the ruler of the roost!
In addition to the Chicken Chalet in the meadow, there are bees.
They are very busy bees.... as you can see and hear...
(And a very UNhappy Sadie, who loathes water and considers Hickory an unruly lout when he shakes near her following a dip in the pond.)
So, as you can see, it was a relaxing interlude.
(For an even closer look, just click on any of the pictures.)
Tomorrow I'll introduce you to Sparky the Wonder Cat and give you a tour of the Faerie Gardens. Until then...