Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Outtakes: from 30 Days of Photographs III

Here's my favorite outtake from the 30 Days of Photographs III torture tour...

This condom dispenser might not seem unusual to you... until you put it into context.  I took this photo at the Christine Lavin concert I went to a couple weeks ago.  Yes, they have free condoms in both the men's and women's bathrooms... at church.  I don't go to church often, but when I do it's to the Unitarian Church here in Rochester.

I know what you're thinking... she only goes for the condoms.

Want me to pick you up a couple, next time I decide to get up early on a Sunday morning?

Now, if only I could have gotten Fake Barbie to hang out of the top of this condom dispenser, (preferably wearing a condom on her absurdly skinny legs,) this photo would have been perfect.  Maybe next time.

* * * * * * * * * *

My blogging friends, Michael and Ziva are sponsoring another 30 Days of Photographs challenge.  This is their third version of the challenge and my first attempt to meet it. To see how others have responded to the prompts, check in with Ziva at 30 Days of Photographs III.

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