Wednesday, October 24, 2012

M&M's: Day 24 of 30 Days of Photographs III

For M&M's I was going to post some graphic photos from a Morbidity and Mortality Conference, but then I figured that might be a little much.  I keep forgetting that most normal people don't have father-ex-laws who are medical examiners.

Instead, I'll take the easy way out... again.

Doesn't everyone have an M&M math book in their home library?  You should.  Because you never know when you're gonna need it!

Let's just say I'm well prepared for school tomorrow.   Mmmmm... dark chocolate!

* * * * * * * * * *

My blogging friends, Michael and Ziva are sponsoring another 30 Days of Photographs challenge.  This is their third version of the challenge and my first attempt to meet it. To see how others have responded to the prompts, check in with Ziva at 30 Days of Photographs III.

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