Sunday, October 21, 2012

Annuit Coeptis: A Magpie Tale (for my 300th post)

In the midst of the 30 Days of Photographs III challenge, I realized I would hit my 300th blog post.  So here is my 300th original offering... it's appropriate that it is a Magpie prompt, as Magpies have become my favorite writing pieces.  Here's to many more glorious days...  

Who is it that watches over me, deciding whether I merit his approval?

I say I need no approval other than my own.

Take your all seeing eye and go back from whence you came.

For better or for worse, I vow to make my own choices

and I shall live with them to the end of my glorious days.

* * * * * * * * *

Tess over at Willow Manor has been providing inspiration for bloggers with her photo prompts on a site called Magpie Tales.  Be sure to check out the other fabulous writers participating in Magpie Tales this week.  You'll be glad you did!
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