Monday, December 17, 2012

How I Almost Missed My 15 Minutes of Fame

    It's been almost six weeks since I posted anything, so imagine my surprise when I got this comment from our blogger pal, Joanna Jenkins, over at The Fifty Factor...

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    Joanna Jenkins  7 hours ago

    Stopping by to say a big Congratulations on being named by Huff/Post 50 as a top women's blogger! Woo-hoo!!!
    Happy holidays, xo jj

Say what?!  Huffington Post?  Top Women's Bloggers?  Holy crap!

So, I went to the Huff/Post 50 site and low and behold... there was my blog page! Hot damn! I've got to admit, it cheered me immensely, so Thank You, Shelley Emling and Huffington Post!  You made my day!  

And thank you, Joanna... had it not been for your comment, I would have missed my 15 minutes of fame! 
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