Friday, October 12, 2012

Five: Day 12 of 30 Days of Photographs III

I'm bending the rules and doubling down on today's prompt, "Five".

That's because I'm sitting here watching the Vice-Presidential debate and the topic is Social Security.  I guess I'm supposed to like the Romney-Ryan ticket because they won't change Social Security for me because I'm over 

5 5

5 must be the magic number.

Of course, if I was under 55, I'd be totally screwed.   

I think I'll stick with Obama-Biden, thank you very much!

See... even Joe thinks Mr. Ryan's idea is laughable.   I love me some Joe Biden!

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My blogging friends, Michael and Ziva are sponsoring another 30 Days of Photographs challenge.  This is their third version of the challenge and my first attempt to meet it. To see how others have responded to the prompts, check in with Ziva at 30 Days of Photographs III.
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