Sunday, August 9, 2009

Rebranding the Crazy Cat Lady!

Last week the San Francisco Chronicle ran an article entitled Rebranding the Crazy Cat Lady. Apparently, the folks over at Tidy Cats are trying to improve the image of cat owners. Seems that the predominant public perception is that people who have more than one cat are Crazy Cat Ladies. And for some strange reason, people are not happy with that designation. Go figure!

"...heading up multiple cat households is a way of life for millions of Americans who aren't happy about the negative stereotyping."

They went on to say:
"The majority of non-cat owners who responded described people with more than one cat as being a homebody (75%), lonely (69%) or, that old zinger, a "crazy cat lady" (58%). They also described multiple cat owners' homes as smelly (75%), having furniture and bedding covered in cat hair (85%) and being cluttered (66%)."

(Take away the cats and you have me.
Note pajamas & comfortable chair.
The books on the shelves are way too tidy, though.

But what about this sweet Russian lady:

Her neighbors don't complain about her at all... at least not very much. And she has 130 cats.

Anyway, they're having a contest to find people with multiple cats who don't fit the stereotype. They want people to write in and tell them how perfectly normal they are and list all the fun 
activities they do with their cats. They want to "redefine what it means to be a (well-adjusted) "cat lady" (or lad)."

That's all fine and good, but what about those of us who don't have cats? Why can't we enter the contest? Don't we have an image to maintain as well? Can't we be well-adjusted, too?

Not everyone was born to have a pristine house and lots of social events to attend on a regular basis. Some of us were meant to be reclusive and untidy, regardless of pet ownership. All I'm asking for is a little patience, understanding and equality here! Because I look like a Crazy Cat Lady doesn't mean I want any actual cats... I'm a dog person. So why can't I enter the contest? It's just not fair!

Or, maybe it's just time to Rebrand the Cat Lady? Stay posted!

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