Imagine my surprise when I checked my favorite blogs this morning and discovered that Quirkyloon over at Musings of a Quirkyloon paid it forward to me with the coveted "Premiere Meme Award!"

Here it is in all it's glory!
I'm shocked... I'm honored... I didn't have an acceptance speech ready!
I've never received a blogger award before, so this is really, really, super duper exciting!
But there's a catch... there's always a catch... in order to claim the coveted MEME award, I have to divulge 7 Quirky Personality Traits about myself as evidenced in my blog and then pay it forward to seven other bloggers with personality... and sparkle... and dash... and... well, bloggers I like to read.
What can I say that will not shock and alarm Quirkyloon too much?
Here goes...
I'm thinking.....
1. I tend to look for the humor in most situations... that way I don't have to be depressed all the time.
2. I am scatter-brained... my mind goes on many exciting field trips... what was that I was writing about?
3. I am the sum of my experiences... without all the weird crap that happens to me, I'd be very boring.
4. I'm obsessive compulsive... but not about cleaning.
5. I'm a laid back mom... so it's lucky I've escaped Mommy Jail this long.
6. I'm too nice for my own good... I let people walk all over me... but I can be catty and bitchy to people who just plain annoy me... and then let them walk all over me.
7. I seek attention... let's talk about me! Me! Me! So the Meme award is perfect for me!
Now, if I've done my blog properly, the above revelations should not be too much of a surprise to you, my loyal readers.
And now, for some bloggers much more worthy of the honor....
Drum roll, please....
1. Nanodance over at Callithump Thunderblog... without whom the Cat Lady would never have been born... and it's her birthday tomorrow, so this way I won't have to buy her a real present.
2. The Right Reverend Sister Phillipia at Writes Phillipia... the first stranger to become a follower of my blog... and I do mean stranger in a good way.
3. The mysterious Mr. Roth over at IndigoWrath... because I love a good man of mystery.
4. American Guy at Canadian Blend... because he'll need it, having just married the Canadian Gal with 5 kids to add to his own brood of 3.
5. Madame DeFarge at Bateau de Banane... because her posts are always so carefully knitted.
6. KC at Good Twin/Bad Twin... because she's from Iowa, the land of my birth.
7. Spudballo over at Chez Spud... because she looks so swell in her glasses as the butterflies carry her away.
So there you have it... more than you ever wanted to know about me and seven new bloggers to check out.
All that's left to say is...
Thank You, Quirkyloon!
I Love You!

Now, can I have the damn award?