Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bad Things! Bad Things!

I got a little sidetracked this week. If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you may have discerned that I used to be the director of a small school and I was one of the most popular kids there, what with the
rubber chickens and all. But I didn't particularly care for all of the grown-up things I had to do, so I decided I'd rather go back to the classroom and leave the directing to someone who knows what they're doing. Great plan! All spring I kept getting more and more excited as I came closer to the light at the end of the tunnel.

And then I added the fortune cookie widget to my blog. (Look left, as they say in the UK.) It's always fun to click on the cookie to see what my fortune is for the day.... in fact, I've even considered starting a "Friday Fortune" blog theme, listing of the best of the week.

But then, I got this fortune:

The light at the end of the tunnel could mean bad things.

Bad Things? Bad Things? What bad things?

Last Friday I finally figured out what the bad things were. It seems that when I took over the directorship of the school, I lost my seniority as a teacher... which meant that when it came time to give out assignments last week, I was at the bottom of the list... which meant there wasn't a spot for me after all. The only position left was one for which I'm not certified. Which meant I'd suddenly become unemployed... two weeks before school starts. I have an idea....

Let's Panic!

Damn fortune cookie! I know this never would have happened had I not tempted fate by adding that widget.

So, as I started out saying, I got a little sidetracked this week. I had thought I'd be getting my classroom ready for the kidlets, but now I'm getting my resume ready for the grownups instead.

The surprising thing is, I'm not panicking... at least not yet. What do you suppose that means? I figure it's a sign from the Fortune Cookie Goddess that I'm supposed to be moving on. Or maybe it means I'm supposed to apply for a job at the Fortune Cookie I bet I could write fortunes that are a lot better than the ones they have now. I could even personalize them for all my friends. And maybe they'd give me all the fortune cookies I could eat. They even come in cool (but unappetizing) colors:

So let's try out some of these fortunes out:

Get busy... Blogs don't write themselves.

At least now I'll have more time to keep up with all the blogs I follow. That's the way the fortune cookie crumbles!

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