Sunday, July 19, 2009

Curious, how that happened...

It's now been 5 years since I ripped out my knee.  Curious, how that happened....  

Scenario #1:  I was in Minnesota for a month, vacationing at the family cabin.  One night there was a huge thunderstorm which blew a tree against the cabin.  The next morning, I noticed there was a nest of baby birds in the tree, but the nest was dangling precariously as the wee ones called out to their lost mother.  Tweet!  Tweet!  I had to rescue them!  (Or at least take them some worms.) Climbing up the tree, I slipped on one of the still wet branches, plummeting to the ground.  Unable to move, with my leg mangled beneath me, I looked up... just as the nest dropped... and caught the sweet tweets in my hands.  My ACL and MCL were gone... but the wee birdies were saved!

Scenario #2:  I was in Minnesota for a month, vacationing at the family cabin.  It was a clear, sunny day, perfect for water skiing.  None of this tubing stuff!  Being an expert skier, I scoffed at the idea of using two skis.  I jumped off the side of the boat, into the water, positioning myself for take-off.  Just as I popped up out of the water, a loon flew into my path.  It was me or him. Being the nature lover I am, I leapt over the wake to avoid him, only to land on a stump, which sent me tumbling across the surface of the water.  My ACL and MCL were gone... but the loon was safe!

Scenario #3:  I was in Minnesota for a month, vacationing at the family cabin.  I had just completed my rigorous daily workout, floating in an inflatable raft, reading a cheesy novel and guzzling Dr. Pepper.  At the end of the workout, I tied the raft securely to the dock and proceeded to step off the dock into the water for a quick dip.  Imagine my surprise when I landed on my ass, leg beneath me in a very awkward position.  My ACL and MCL were gone. 

So... which account do you think is the most dramatic?  Which is the most suspenseful?  Which would you choose to explain a torn ACL and MCL?  (And please, do chime in if you have a more creative explanation!) 

The cabin was 60 some steps up a steep hill and there was no one around.  I had to pull myself back up onto the dock and then butt-up the steps, one by painful one.  After a trip to the local hospital, I spent my last two weeks at the lake on crutches with my leg in an "immobilizer." Sadly, the Vicodin I got only served medicinal purposes... and not very well, at that.  Then there was the 1,000 mile drive back to New York.  Then months of physical therapy.  Some of us are just lucky, I guess.

Good times, good times! 
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