Willow over at
Life at Willow Manor has come up with a new photo prompt for bloggers on a site called
Magpie Tales. She'll be posting a photo weekly as a prompt for a fictional account or poem telling of its history and/or how the item in the photo came to be in your possession. Be sure to check out the other people creating a tale this week. And now, on with the show...
"Meet me at 9pm in the lobby of the Hotel Forum in Bratislava," the note said.
It's a meeting I'm dreading and longing for at the same time. I smoke nervously, waiting to meet the woman who might be the one who gave birth to me. Will she show up? Will I recognize her? Will it really be her this time? It's been such a long journey. Or will I find my dreams shattered? Will it be another red herring? Will my search once again go up in smoke?
As I take one last drag on the cigarette, a woman approaches... It might be her... Please let it be her...