Sunday, August 19, 2012

Under Windsor Bridge: A Magpie Tale dedicated to Indigo Roth

Under Windsor Bridge, 1912, by Adolphe Valette

When she originally planned her birthday party at the Euthanasia Curry House, it had seemed a grand and glorious idea. Now she wasn't so sure.  Granted, the things she had heard about it and its exotic clientele had given her pause, but she was looking for a change and change she would have.  Her life had become so dull of late and she wanted to feel alive again. The fact that her birthday coincided with the Annual Evil Genius Scavenger Hunt only made the prospect of a very British birthday even more enticing.

So, the invitations had been sent, the cake ordered and the birthday frock taken out of storage.  The waiting was over and the time had come to meet her fate.

Would any of her guests actually show up?  Would there be gifts beyond what was gathered during the scavenger hunt?  Would her 60th birthday be her last?

The fog enveloped her as she took a deep breath and approached the figure in the bowler hat.  There was the faintest of rumblings and the ground began to shake beneath her.

With a flash of light, she was transported from Windsor Bridge to that mysterious and most elusive of villages, Slobbering-Under-the-Bed.

Could it be?  Was that...?

"Welcome, Madame," said Elliot Nesh.  "The rest of your party has already arrived.  Let the games begin..."

She thought to herself, "I am in my element.  This is what I was born for."  And with that, she stepped toward the scent of curry wafting out of the door.

* * * * * * * *

Tess over at Life at Willow Manor  has been providing inspiration for bloggers with her photo prompts on a site called Magpie Tales.  When I saw this week's prompt, it reminded me of another image by that mastermind, Indigo Roth.  If you haven't yet met Indigo, please  go introduce yourself... you'll be glad you did!
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