About two weeks ago, my bloggy friend, Eolist Petite honored me with an award:
I love you, too, Ms. Petite! To accept the award I have to answer one teeny tiny question:
Ms. Petite asked "because i know that life is an odd thing and it takes us not where we want to go but where we belong... What /Who/ and/or Where would you be if you could choose your own destiny?"
REALLY? I get to choose my own destiny? What a blast! And what better time to think about these things than on my birthday.
At 57, I guess there's even still time to change my real life destiny. In my fantasy world, I would still be me, but I'd have a trusty companion who is not a canine. Someone to talk to and laugh with and share meals and wine and a cozy bed with. Somebody who would look beyond my appearance to appreciate who I am as a person and not judge me for being a bit off center. I'd still be teaching and writing, but perhaps making a tad more money than I am now so I could eventually retire and spend all my time reading and writing, with a bit of travel thrown in every once in awhile. And of course, I'd live in a little cottage somewhere, preferably near a lake or mountains. Someplace that looks like this...
or this....
or perhaps this...
I'm not picky. Nothing big or fancy, but just a cozy, quiet place.
That's not too much to ask for, is it? A girl can always dream...
drama at sea
2 weeks ago