Thursday, April 8, 2010

Little Boxes: Theme Thursday

This week the gang over at Theme Thursday chose "Box" as the prompt du jour.  Pop over to see who else is playing this week.  You'll be glad you did!

As somewhat of a clutter hound, I love boxes.  They're so convenient when you need to do an emergency clean-up because someone calls and says they're stopping by unexpectedly. 

Simply insert assorted clutter, fold up the top and carry it to either the basement or the attic.   Voila!  Clean house!  Sadly, my basement and attic are now filled with such boxes.  Occasionally, I decide it's time to sort through some of them and clean things out.  Then there are so many treasures to be found!  

Someday I plan on hiring a dumpster and positioning it directly beneath my attic window so I can just start heaving all the boxes out.  I bet most of the stuff in them would never be missed.  After all, if I can't remember what's in the box, can it be that important?

But, speaking of boxes, this song from my younger years came to mind...

It was Malvina Reynolds who wrote this song, but I'm rather fond of Pete Seeger's version.  I've tried not to let myself be shoved into too many boxes over the years.  (Although there's nothing like an old refrigerator box for making a cool play house!)  I've taken my own circuitous path to get where I am today and I like where I am.  No suburbs or tract houses for me.  No fancy car or posh clothes.  It's a modest, simple life, but it suits me... even if I do resort to hiding things in boxes on occasion!
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