Time to get out that hula skirt and the coconuts again!
It's Kamehameha Day!
Can you believe I almost missed this important national holiday? Why wasn't it on the school calendar? Surely it should be cause for celebration.
Now it's been a long time since I put on a hula skirt and somehow I think it might not be exactly what everyone's looking forward to seeing.... even if I ply them with perfect poi, a succulent roasted pig and fermented coconut juice.
It just ain't happening!
So, kind readers, I'll just have to fashion little paper leis to put on the black construction paper cat silhouettes in the windows and call it a day. Or perhaps Hickory the Wonder Dog can be convinced to wear a lei made of doggy biscuits.
For now, I'm off to Blockbuster to see if they have Gidget Goes Hawaiian or Elvis's Blue Hawaii for my evening's entertainment.
(FYI... this cheesy illustration was stolen from a cheesy catalog on the web)