Sunday, March 10, 2013

When Worlds Collide

I had a hard week at work.  A co-worker's brother was killed in a hit and run accident, so we were grieving for her and her horrific loss.  She was devastated by the senseless death of her beloved brother and trying to come to grips with it.  Her life would never be the same.

So when a friend sent a last minute email suggestion that we meet for breakfast yesterday, I jumped at the chance to talk about happier events.  Our sons had been in preschool together and we'd continued to connect regularly ever since.

We enjoyed the usual chit chat about our lives and what was new.  Then, she brought up a tragedy that touched their life this week.  One of her son's best friends from high school had just been arrested for a fatal hit and run accident.  They were devastated by the news and trying to come to grips with it.  She spoke of how the young man's life was destroyed by his own actions and how his family would never be the same.

When worlds collide, we all grieve.

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